Key Information and Documents
At BBEC we aim to provide a broad and balanced Religious Education in order to ensure that students gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture so students can care and respect one another.
Help students learn about and experience cultural and spiritual diversity around the world, in Britain and in the local area, promoting a sense of belonging
Equip all students with the skills to discuss their own experiences of life, explore their identity and develop an understanding and respect of others celebrating diversity
Ensure all students appreciate and experience the religious heritage and ethnic diversity of their school, local area and on a national and global level
Ensure students can understand and ask challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God and other world views, issues about right and wrong and what it means to be human
Help students understand belief systems and political ideologies so they can make informed decisions and set themselves challenging goals about how they can be become more active citizens who have a real impact on society
Enable students to understand and display British values of respect, tolerance, law and democracy which underpin our school value of kindness.
Provide opportunities for students to extend and challenge their vocabulary and language, enabling them to access and experience authentic, subject specific texts
Develop analytical and critical thinking skills, the ability to work with abstract ideas and research skills
Ensure that students have a strong knowledge and understanding of the six major world religions and a range of non-religious viewpoints.
Full coverage of the Bradford Locally Agreed Syllabus
Although our curriculum follows the locally agreed syllabus, we have ensured where possible there are direct links to issues which directly affect students in BBEC and in the local area.
It reflects the needs and beliefs of our students, ensuring we cover topical affairs from a variety of different views, including religious and non-religious world views.
Explicit planning to ensure that all protected characteristics are represented so that all students can see themselves in the curriculum.
Critical thinking and discursive writing is explicitly taught and planned for ensuring students are prepared for study of Religion, Philosophy and Ethics at post 16.
AMBITION in RS means….
Using academic and scholarly vocabulary to present mature and cogent arguments.
Assimilating ideas from a range of authentic sources presenting contrasting viewpoints.
Critically justifying and evaluating our own responses and those of others.
Developing the skills of negotiating, building relationships, empathising, and questioning
RESILIENCE in RS means….
Having flexibility of thought.
Being prepared to be challenged and agreeing to disagree.
Accepting that previously held misconceptions can be challenged.
Being open to the challenge of philosophical or unanswerable questions.
Giving an honest opinion even when others may disagree.
COURTESY and KINDNESS in RS means…..
Understanding that people have different beliefs and being able to agree or disagree in a courteous manner.
Listening attentively to the views of others and asking thoughtful questions showing interest.
Working together to create a safe space for individuals to express personal viewpoints.
Understanding that each religious, philosophical and ethical belief system has equal importance and significance.
Parents right to withdraw
Parents’ have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory components of RSE. Requests for withdrawal should be put in writing and addressed to the headteacher. A copy of withdrawal requests will be placed in the students’ educational record. The headteacher or his appointed representative will discuss the request with parents and take appropriate action. Appropriate alternative work will be given to students who are withdrawn from RSE.
Department Curriculum links
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