Key Information and Documents
"The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.” Barack Obama
We want to inspire students to learn to love the world in which we live, recognise their place in the world so that they become active global citizens equipped with the knowledge and power to shape the future for the better. Our ultimate aim is for our students to become active global citizens who are empowered to act on current global challenges such as plastic pollution, inequality, and climate change.
Through our Geography curriculum we intend to:
Equip students with a balanced understanding of the physical and human world, as well as ensuring they have an appreciation of how interconnected systems are in the world
Embed geographical skills, graphicacy and literacy across the 5 years
Improve student knowledge of key geographical processes and how human actions impact on these processes
Improve students’ locational knowledge building on knowledge acquired at KS2
Give students the knowledge and skills to become active global citizens and enable them to confidently identify and respond to the current complex issues our planet faces
Provide opportunities for BBEC students to personally experience the geography taught in lessons through fieldwork, learning to compare and contrast experiences
Equip students with the substantive knowledge to “speak like a geographer”, and the disciplinary knowledge to “think like a geographer”
Ensure our students are aware where they belong in our ever-changing world, and how they can be the change they want to see.
Key strengths of the Geography curriculum:
Full National Curriculum coverage
Breadth and depth of knowledge: a wide body of knowledge is covered across a range of human and physical topics. Up to date case studies are used to explore key geographical themes that draw on accurate, current data.
Mastery of knowledge: we want students retain knowledge and understand the interconnected nature of Geography. Units are sequenced so that concepts and processes are interleaved across the 5 years, constantly building on previous knowledge and skills. Topics are revisited with increasing depth across KS3 and KS4.
Graphical skills: we want students to have a range of geographical skills, including interpretation and analysis of maps, graphs, GIS, photographs, satellite images, and diagrams so interleave and revisit this across the curriculum with increasing complexity.
Fieldwork skills – we believe all Geographers need to be able to carry out fieldwork so we introduce this in contrasting environments from Year 7.
Application of skills and knowledge to the real world: we focus on giving our students flexible knowledge that they will be able to apply to new geographical concepts beyond the classroom and know the value of the study of geography and the range of careers opportunities that it can open up.
AMBITION in geography means….
Using skills and knowledge to think deeply about key Geographical concepts and processes, and applying this to answer complex questions developing skills of critical thinking, analysis and evaluation.
Having the capability to use a range of geographical skills including analysis of data, manipulation of data and interpretation of a range of sources.
Committing to understanding a wide range of content incorporating mathematical and scientific concepts.
Being able to write at length as a geographer using subject specific vocabulary and appropriate case studies and data to support arguments.
RESILIENCE in geography means….
Participating in discussions where a range of ideas and opinions are presented.
Being prepared to tackle commonly held misconceptions about the world in which we live.
Committing to making effective use of feedback to develop understanding.
COURTESY and KINDNESS in geography means…..
Embracing and celebrating diversity through exploring a range of global places, cultures and traditions.
Realising that we are all global citizens and therefore we all have a part to play in protecting the planet.
Exploring connections and commonalities between varied people and places.
Aiming to reduce our own environmental impact on the planet, treating it with courtesy and kindness.
Being role models for our school, local and global environments.
Department Curriculum links
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