Key Information and Documents
Attendance and Punctuality at BBEC is ‘Everyone’s Business’
All staff at BBEC support Attendance and Punctuality as a high priority and we aim for all students to achieve 100% Attendance by the end of the school year. We ensure that we support each child with wraparound care to ensure that they are provided with the best chances of success at BBEC.
We support the school ethos that “We all belong at BBEC” and in terms of Attendance this translates into students attending and being on time to school every single day. There are only 190 school days in each year and every single day has an important impact on students learning, personal development and aspirations.
As part of the Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust (BDAT), we understand that the trust regards the excellent Attendance of children as integral to the success of the student and thus the success of their academies.
‘Every Moment Counts’
Every moment in school counts, and days missed add up quickly. For example, a child in Year 10 who is absent for three days over a half term could miss 15 lessons in total.
The higher a student’s Attendance, the more they are likely to learn, and the better they are likely to perform in exams and formal assessments. Excellent Attendance entrenches good habits which sets students up for the best life chances.
Data from 2019 shows that 84% of Key Stage 2 students who had 100% Attendance achieved the expected standard, compared to 40% of students who were persistently absent across the key stage.
Our Year 11 students who sat public examinations showed quite clearly how Attendance affects the chances of a student’s success. Students with excellent Attendance (100%) scored more than two grades higher than those with Persistently Absent Attendance (below 90%).
The table below outlines learning missed in more detail:

Our commitment
We have outlined the full roles and responsibilities in our Attendance policy which is hyperlinked at the bottom of the page. A summary is provided below.
BBEC will:
Challenge Attendance that is less than good and set targets for students to improve
Follow up on any non-Attendance with no contact from parents on the first day of absence via: text message, phone call or written letter
Deal sympathetically with any problem a student may have which is causing Attendance / punctuality to decline and always stay in regular contact with parents / carers
Act swiftly to reduce absence, in particular persistent absence, with a specific focus on immediate support for vulnerable learners
The Assistant Headteacher(s) for Attendance / Attendance Champion will:
Lead initiatives to promote the importance of good Attendance
Intervene when poor Attendance / punctuality becomes a problem and before it becomes a habit
Communicate the Attendance and Punctuality strategy with all stakeholders
With the support of the wider Attendance team, analyse data on Attendance and punctuality on a weekly, half-termly, and termly basis and prepare reports, as required, for the senior leadership team and local governing board and reactively find solutions to Attendance issues
Ensure first day absence contact is in place where absence is not reported by parents/carers
The wider Attendance team will:
Monitor registration daily and ensure any missing marks are quickly resolved to ensure students are safe
Be the first point of contact for parents/carers and relevant school staff regarding student absence and appointments
Ensure home visits are in place following 3 days of unreported absence and where reported absence exceeds 5 days
We expect that students will:
Aim to achieve 100% Attendance and Punctuality by arriving to school on time every day
Always attend school unless prevented by a specified illness or unavoidable circumstances
Always arrive to school and lessons on time
Speak to the appropriate member of staff if there are any problems that may affect Attendance, punctuality and/or learning
We expect that Parents/Carers will:
Encourage regular school Attendance and be aware of their legal responsibilities to ensure their child attends school
Ensure that their child arrives punctually and prepared for the school day
Contact the school immediately whenever their child is unable to attend school
Inform the school by telephone/ email on each day of absence to discuss with the Attendance team
Contact the school whenever any problems occur that may keep the child away from school
Provide medical evidence when appropriate to support absence.
Refrain from booking family holidays during school term time unless there is an exceptional circumstance
Arrange, wherever possible, for medical appointments to be made outside school hours. If this is unavoidable, then the child should be removed from school for the minimum amount of time possible
Absence reporting
The school day begins at 8.30am and finishes for students at 3.00pm.
Students who arrive between 8.40am and 8.44am will be marked as being ‘Late for School’ (LS). Between 8.45am and 9.04am, students will be marked as being ‘Very Late for School’ (VLS). Students who arrive any time after 9.05am will be issued a ‘U’ code.
If your child is ‘Late for School’ (LS) or ‘Very Late for School’ (VLS), or if you need to keep your child off school for a whole or part-day, the BBEC First Day Absence reporting procedure is outlined below:
Parent/carers should email studentattendance@bbec.bdat-academies.org
telephone the Absence Line on 01274 676285, ideally before 8:00am and not later than 8:30am on the first day of absence, ensuring in any call or voicemail that they provide the following for the student:
First name and second name;
Form or Year Group
Reason for absence, please ensure clarity to help with coding.
We expect all parents/carers to notify the Attendance team of the reasons for all absences and this includes illness. Please also call on every day of illness, otherwise your child is expected back into school. If you expect your child to be absent because of illness or they are absent for more than one day, then please ensure we are aware of this as we must inform our Principal First Aider.
Where students are absent for more than two days, please provide any medical evidence.