Key Information and Documents
School Uniform
The school uniform standards are high.
We operate an ‘entrance mat check’ each morning to ensure students uphold our high standards with regard to the dress and appearance code and to check on essential items of equipment for a successful day. This includes checking that students have the correct uniform and that it is worn professionally.
As a reminder our uniform code is as follows:
School polo shirt with BBEC logo embroidered in the correct colour for the year group.
School sweatshirt with BBEC logo in the correct colour for the year group (optional)
Tailored black full-length trousers (no logo required).
Dark plain socks.
Plain all black leather shoes (no fabric sections anywhere on the shoe). No different coloured soles or logos. Staff decision on what is appropriate is final.
Scarves/headbands/bows, when worn, must be black or white.
False/acrylic nails must be a reasonable length. Staff decision on what is an appropriate length is final.
Eyelash extensions and false eyelashes should not be worn.
We challenge extreme hairstyles and hair colour; we expect a natural hair colour and smart appearance for school at all times.
Crop tops / cropped polo shirts are not acceptable or appropriate at any times.
No non-BBEC jumpers are allowed at any time.
Trainers and Crocs are not acceptable footwear. This also includes ‘On Cloud’ trainers – these are not allowed.
Leggings / joggers / jeggings / jeans are not acceptable.
Skin tight trousers, ¾ length trousers are not acceptable.
We expect all students to borrow correct uniform in the morning if they arrive incorrectly dressed. Defiance is never acceptable behaviour.

Year 7 - Navy

Year 8 - Green

Year 9 - Grey

Year 10 - Purple

Year 11 - Black

We also welcome donated uniform which can be passed on to families in need. The school considers government guidance when deciding on requirements and cost of the uniform.
All clothing must be official school PE uniform, bought from the school uniform suppliers. School PE uniform is:
A black school polo shirt with the school logo.
Black school PE trousers or shorts, with the school logo.
School PE hoodie (optional)
Trainers (football boots are optional when using the grass or astro)
You may wear layers under your kit (such as base layers, skins or other jumpers) as long as the sleeves of these are black.
You must bring PE uniform, even if you are excused from PE.
You will be expected to take some part in the lesson, even if you are not ‘playing’.
The only exception to this is if your injury prevents you from easily getting changed. (If you have a pot on your leg, for example)
In cold weather, bring gloves and a hat (no scarves).
If you do not bring your PE Uniform, you are expected to borrow clothing from us and participate in the lesson. Defiance is never acceptable behaviour.
Student Presentation
Students should wear their uniform with pride and always present themselves smartly.
We expect all students to borrow correct uniform in the morning if they arrive incorrectly dressed. Defiance is never acceptable behaviour.
Jewellery, Piercings & Watches
Only a watch may be worn on wrists.
No bracelets, Pandora chains, belchers, chains etc. to be worn on wrists or ankles in school.
Nose piercings must be a simple small stud – no rings are allowed on health and safety grounds.
Small discreet plain ear studs may be worn – no hoops, loops, half loops, pendants etc. are allowed on health and safety grounds.
No other jewellery is allowed, and it will be confiscated if worn (this includes rings, lip piercings, nose rings, eyebrow piercings, bars in ears, necklaces etc). For health and safety reasons any other type of body piercing is not allowed.
Confiscated jewellery will be returned at an appropriate point (not necessarily the same day).
Students are only allowed to have natural hair colours. Extreme haircuts such as under cuts, shaved lines, patterns and Mohican styles are not allowed.
Outdoor Clothing
All forms of outdoor clothing including hoodies, hats and coats should not be worn in any of the school buildings, including the atrium, corridors and classrooms.
Nails and Eyelashes
Eyelash extensions and false eyelashes are not allowed.
False/acrylic nails must be a reasonable length.
Staff decision on what is an appropriate length is final. If they are longer, students will be provided with the opportunity to remove them or shorten them.
All students should be ready to learn and have the ‘Simple 7’ equipment at all times: 2 pens, 2 pencils, ruler, eraser, a Casio scientific calculator, ARCK Record and bag. If possible students should also have a green and purple pen.
all students should bring their bag to school every day and keep this with them – this must be a minimum of A4 sized. (Bum bags or similar are not acceptable).
students should always bring their ARCK Record and use it to help with their learning and recording their positive points and comments.
bring a reading book to school.
make sure all personal property is marked with students’ names.
Daily checks on equipment will take place.
Where a student or family requests adjustments are made to the normal school uniform policy on the grounds of any protected characteristic, these requests will be considered on a case by case basis taking into account all relevant guidance and legislation. Students should not wear uniform outside of the normal policy prior to any request being made, considered and responded to.